Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Week Fourteen: A Kingdom Torn in Two

So, I've been conflicted with this week's episode of The Story.  One one level it is the story of a king who succeeds to the throne before he is ready, makes a series of really bad decisions which affects his nation, and then sees the nation his father and grandfather had built torn apart.  One another level it is the story of God bringing about what He had foretold years before... that because of Solomon's unfaithfulness, the kingdom would be torn from him.  The story from each of these two different points of view is a tragic one.  I've struggled to find something redemptive in it... something encouraging to latch on to... something I can emphasize from the pulpit to inspire hope... or optimism... or something!  Instead, all I've found is... well, REALITY.

The story is full of reality.  Fathers don't always set the best example for their sons.  Sometimes their examples lead their children to make poor decisions themselves.  Dysfunction has a way of perpetuating itself.  People make bad decisions.  Those bad decisions impact others.  Families are torn apart.  Nations are divided.   Sin has consequences.

The reality is... when a people turn away from the Lord as Israel did, there are harsh real-world consequences, and not even necessarily because God is mad, but because when we try and fill our need for God with false gods, our lives and the lives of those around us  are torn to pieces.  That's the nature of sin.  It's what sin does.

If there's one silver lining at all in this part of the story, it is the knowledge that God is still there... He is still the primary player... and He is still working (albeit in strange ways) to bring about His will and His plan.  The nation, divided and torn asunder, will get worse before it gets better (sorry for that spoiler on next week's episode)... but eventually it will get better!  God is working towards the right time and the right circumstances to send forth His Son who will provide the means for the whole nation-- in fact for ever nation-- to be redeemed.  So, as bad as it is... and as bad as it will get... we haven't gotten to the end, yet!  That's good to remember when reading the Old Testament.  In fact, it's good to remember when reading today's newspaper!  As bad as it is.  As bad as it seems to be getting... and it seems to be getting worse... God's still not done yet!  There will be a day when Messiah will return and He'll set the world to rights!  Sin will be done away with.  Dysfunction will be rectified.  All that is bad and disappointing in the world will be redeemed and glorified in the light of His presence!

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