Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Week One: The Beginning of Life as We Know It

Chapter One of "The Story"-  (Genesis 1-9)

Have you ever been to the movies and walked in just after it’s already started?  Maybe you were out in the lobby getting popcorn and you came in a few minutes late… then spent the next two hours trying to figure out what is happening?  You’re completely lost because you missed the beginning?  Chapter one of “The Story” acts as a cornerstone foundation for the entire rest of the Bible.  Don’t miss it or you’ll be lost for the next 32 weeks!

You might say the story begins with a “Bang”… but don’t misunderstand, it’s no accident the creation of the cosmos depicted in Genesis ch. 1.  It’s all the purposeful and intentional act of God creating the heavens and the earth… and all that is within it… the cosmos in all of its vast array.  What a magnificent creation it is!  Gen. 1 reads like a beautiful work of poetry as it eloquently describes each of the seven days of creation.  The light and the darkness.  The waters and the sky.  The stars and the earth.  God’s masterful artistry was on full display.  And at the end of each day God sits back and writes in his journal, “It is good.”

But it isn’t great.  As beautiful and magnificent as the creation was… that wasn’t the end of God’s work.  In fact, it wasn’t even the point of it all.  On the sixth day God had one more thing to create.  One more masterpiece.  And it would be crown jewel of it all! 

“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  (Gen. 1:26 NIV)

Join us Sunday!

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